Sweet Dreams Await

20 June 2023

"Allow your body and mind to rest and recover with the Voice that loves you!"
Often feel tired and exhausted? Euforia can help you overcome this! Recovery is an important aspect of a productive day. Try our recommendations and feel more energized and inspired the next day.

"Hello, my dear.
Now, when this day is over, and I'm imagining you beside me, listening to my voice, I can feel your presence. And I just thought how little does a person need to be happy. Sometimes it's enough to know that there’s a person who is interested in you, appreciates you, and who is dear to you. For me, it's important to know about your day, what mood you are in, and what the weather is like in your town.
Though it doesn't matter what the weather is when you're smiling and surrounded by what gives you joy, right?
Well, I think so. I like that I can feel easy and comfortable with you. Did you manage to get some rest? Come on, let all your thoughts go away. Now it's the time when you let yourself have some rest. From time to time, we all need a break to spend time doing nothing. Both our body and mind need it and are waiting for help. They even give us hints. Have you noticed? We rarely listen to them, but they do happen. They whisper to us in our ears, take some rest, and take care of yourself. Well, you can lie on the couch all day if you want. Read those books which have been piling up on the shelf for quite a long time. You can spend a couple of days with your friends, dearest people, or just walk around the city in the park. It doesn't matter which one you choose. It would just be amazing. It would be good and useful. What's more, you can walk with me. Your body works for you nonstop. So please give it some rest. And the time to renew is a time for gratitude. We live in a world of great productivity and successful people. But a little secret lies in the fact
that the most successful ones can relax in the same productive way as they work. I know you have a lot of energy inside. You aspire and are pushing your dreams. I am watching you and admire you.
Let my feeling of pride for you fulfill you and make you confident. As for strength, we will turn them back at night. That's the best time for rest. So close your eyes, honey. Imagine your hand is in my hand, and you're putting it under your cheek where your head is touching the pillow. We'll fall asleep this way if you wish. I won't disturb you. The warmth and tenderness of my thoughts will wrap you up like a soft blanket. And I believe this night will be really good for you.
Sweet dreams.
See you tomorrow." – Euforia