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"Don't get stuck at work – take a break and enjoy your evening moments with Euforia!"
Tired of stress and anxiety? Let's relax and cope with it together! The Euforia app will help you improve your emotional state and find pleasure and joy for the entire evening.
"Hello, my darling.
First of all, how are you? Did you have a good or hard day? I see. Even if everything is fine, you still feel tired at the end of the day. Please don't worry about anything, will you? You've already overcome your daily challenges, and now you can relax and rest. Let's leave all your worries behind somewhere there in the past because this day is almost over. Here. It's so peaceful here you have everything to feel comfortable and safe, like by the seashore. Late at night, when people are going home and seaside cafés have turned down their music, nothing disturbs you. And you can sit by the sea and listen to the waves. Do you remember how calming and relaxing that sounds? The Eternal Sea as for eternal. If you sit near the water's edge, you can feel its gentle touch with the tips of your toes. It's so amazing how tender such an enormous and powerful sea can be. It calms down. Here it feels great to be silent and think slowly about some simple things. One wave changes another. One thought changes another. Nothing is certain. No hustle and bustle, the feeling of peace and calm. You know, some wise man once said that all our success arises out of a state of quiet. To succeed in reaching our vital goals, first, we need to find our inner harmony and calm. And only then can we go on. Let your thoughts become like the summer night sea. Wave after wave. Peace, calm, tranquillity. The sea easily dissolves everything that was during the day; it's already passed. A bit later, beyond the horizon, a new day will dawn. And this day is going to be one you can make yourself. I believe you can fill it with joy, love, peace, and happiness. I'm sure you can. And now, let this night and I lull you to sleep. Here we go. Take some rest. You will need the strength for tomorrow's
challenges, and I'll be here guarding your sleep.
Good night.
Sweet dreams." – Euforia