Package of meditation

Package of meditation

05 February 2023

Find calmness, confidence, and inner balance. Guided meditations are available for you. With them, you can, without making any effort, improve your emotional state and strengthen your self-confidence. Meditation programs will help you feel better, even if you have never tried meditation and do not know why you need it. You can achieve the desired effect by listening to the accompanying voice in a relaxed environment. Let psychotherapists take care of you and your mental health.

⚡️ Meditations to reduce anxiety 

Our minds are accustomed to finding tasks to solve because it gives a sense of control over reality. Anxiety arises when we realize that the flow of tasks does not dry out. The infinity of this process and its tension give rise to anxiety. Here are suggested ways to get rid of this feeling by understanding its nature.

😤 Meditations to reduce stress 

How to reduce the level of existing stress and help the body cope with it in the future? How to learn to adapt to change quickly? This and more in the "Meditations for stress reduction" course will help you simply and easily master self-help techniques and regain joy and pleasure in life.

👩‍💻 Meditations to increase productivity 

We learn to control time, but we often treat energy as unlimited. Where to get energy and how to keep its level high? Energy management is the management of energy. Its essence is that time management will not lead to productivity if we have our "batteries" run out. How to stay productive you can learn in this meditation.

😣 Self-help for chronic stress 

Get acquainted with simple techniques that allow you to get rid of the remnants of the emotion of fear – excessive aggression.

🧐 Finding answers in difficult situations 

Each of us, from time to time, is in a difficult situation, in search of an answer or before having to make a difficult decision. Do you know that there are only two possible answers – harder now, but better later, and easier now, but harder later. When both options become balanced for us, we find ourselves at a dead end and wait until one of the scales tips. If there is no time to wait, we get stressed under the pressure of circumstances. As a result, decision-making is given either with consequences for health or is done in a hurry under the influence of emotions. In the course of meditations on “Search for answers in a crisis situation,” you will find the tools you need.

😇 Meditations for restoring inner balance 

Self-acceptance is the recognition that you are the same person that you see in the mirror every morning. With all the advantages and disadvantages. You are not who you want to be seen by others and not who you think you are in moments of failure. But how to achieve this acceptance and stop giving up on the real you? Don't delay, take the first step today.

🙅‍♀️ Working with fears 

Meditation uses the principles of EMDR therapy. This method of processing disturbing information, traumas, and stressful situations, developed by the American psychologist Francine Shapiro, is approved by the World Health Organization and is the fastest method of psychological assistance. From birth, a natural physiological system for processing stressful information is formed and develops in a person, but there are such stresses that the system fails. In this case, all negative information seems to be "stuck" and encapsulated in the neural networks of the brain. The EMDR technique helps to recycle these "experience capsules" and make them part of a person's life experience, which allows you to get rid of the consequences of trauma in the most natural way.

💪 Meditations to build self-confidence 

Self-doubt is always a product of a person's personal history. We are not born shy, timid, or anxious, but acquire these traits throughout our lives through our own experiences. An experience that builds our self-esteem. In the meditation course "Building Self-Confidence", we will go through several steps together to strengthen confidence, recognize those whose voices our "inner critic" speaks, and hear ourselves and our desires. Let's remember that life becomes much more interesting if you treat it as an exciting adventure, trusting intuition and inner feelings...

🥰 Meditations to change the emotional state 

Have you ever felt like a paper boat on the waves of strong emotions? If so, you may be ready to master the art of managing emotions. Let's start right now with the new page.

🤗 Meditations to overcome feelings of loneliness

Loneliness is a state of mind that can be experienced with someone or alone. How to make loneliness a resource, not a nightmare? Through a cycle of meditations, we will try to fill this experience with awareness and learn to get along with it instead of fighting or trying to escape it. Even outside of a relationship, you will feel free, fulfilled, and resourceful because you will enjoy being alone with yourself.

📈 Meditations for concentration 

Can you remember in detail how you drank tea or coffee in the morning? And how did it feel to be touched by a loved one? Probably not. We lose a part of life, not noticing and not participating with consciousness in what is happening. This is how our brain works, concentrating on the important. So there is a substitution of reality for automatism. And once there comes a moment when we do not understand how one day differs from another and how the pages of the calendar managed to flash by. How to get in touch with what is happening in life? Let's learn how to remove automatism, this merciless killer of the present. An unnoticed cup of tea in the morning, the laughter of a child, the smile of a loved one ...

💤 Meditations for sleeping

Introductory meditation to a sleep practice course. The main goal is to help the body to recover after daily stress. With the help of the breathing technique, you will learn to fall asleep quickly and easily.