Art of Meditation

Art of Meditation

04 March 2024

Embrace the Flow in Your Meditation Journey

Ever wondered how to deal with the bustling thoughts in your mind during meditation? The key is not to stop them but to navigate them like traffic on a busy freeway.
Imagine your thoughts as a stream of cars on a lively highway. Instead of diving into the traffic or trying to halt it, find a peaceful spot on the curb. Observe the thoughts as they zoom past – each with its unique shape, color, and feeling.
Meditation is a journey of self-acceptance, including your thoughts. Don't forcefully suppress them; instead, let them flow like passing cars. If you find yourself fixated on a particularly shiny thought, gently guide your focus back to your serene seat.
As you progress in your practice (the time needed may decrease as you grow), you'll notice the mental freeway gradually clearing. Soon, you'll be immersed in a tranquil state.